
New Comptroller General Discussion Gr...

Following on to the work of the INTOSAI Policy, Finance, and Administration Committee Covid-19 initiative and lessons learned report, the Comptroller General of the United States is forming a Discussion Group on Covid-19 Lessons Learned. This group is being formed to establish

2021 year
9· 14


1th Meeting & 2th Seminar collection of Papers for 2th Seminar,Theme I: Environmental Audit on Water Issues;Theme II: Environmental Audit on Biodiversity. Environmental audits on water issues include papers from 12 countries. For example,Bangladesh: Environmental Audit of Waste; Brunei: Environmental auditing,China: Case Study on Water Pollution Prevention Audit, etc.Environmental audit on biodiversity include papers from 8 countries. For example, Canada: Biodiversity: ...

2005 year
3· 29

Environmental audit on Biodiversity i...

I. National Environmental policy on Biodiversity and the actions adopted: 1. Law on Environmental protection adopted by National Assembly on December 27, 1993. 2. Decree No 175-CP detailed implementation of the Law on Environmental protection adopted by the Gorvernment on October 18, 1994.

2005 year
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Special natural, geographical, and historical conditions account for the fact that living resources have been preserved in Poland in a greater abundance, as compared to more urbanized and industrialized countries.

2005 year
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ASOSAI Seminar on Environmental Audi...

As a developing country, the Philippines’ priority is on economic and social development. In order to hasten development process and restore financial strength, the government recently introduced reforms either through legislative or administrative measures.

2005 year
3· 29

COVAX and World Bank to Accelerate Va...

New mechanism builds on Gavi COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC) cost-sharing arrangement WASHINGTON, July 26, 2021 – COVAX and the World Bank will accelerate COVID-19 vaccine supply for developing countries through a new financing mechanism that builds on Gavi’s newly designed AMC cost-sharing arrangement. This allows AMC countries to purchase doses beyond the fully donor-subsidized doses they are already receiving from COVAX.

2021 year
9· 14