New Comptroller General Discussion Group on Covid-19 Lessons Learned



Following on to the work of the INTOSAI Policy, Finance, and Administration Committee Covid-19 initiative and lessons learned report, the Comptroller General of the United States is forming a Discussion Group on Covid-19 Lessons Learned. This group is being formed to establish and maintain a dialogue on lessons learned with interested parties both inside and outside of INTOSAI. The group will focus on sharing perspectives and best practices among members and highlighting and institutionalizing lessons learned, among other things. The terms of reference provides additional details. Although this is not an INTOSAI body, the Comptroller General invites all INTOSAI member SAIs to join.

The initial meeting of the Discussion Group will be held virtually on May 25 from 9 – 10:30 am Eastern Daylight Time.

If your SAI is interested in joining, please contact