Visit of the INTOSAI Chair to the INTOSAI Secretary General



On 12 July 2021, the Head of the SAI of the Russian Federation and Chair of INTOSAI, Aleksei Kudrin, visited INTOSAI Secretary General Margit Kraker at the premises of the Austrian Court of Audit. The INTOSAI Chair’s visit to the Secretary General was tied to a stay in Vienna in the framework of his capacity as External Auditor of UNIDO.

The topics discussed concerned topical INTOSAI-related issues as well as future tasks and challenges, such as the organization of upcoming INTOSAI events, the creation of an INTOSAI working group on healthcare and social care services (based on the recommendations of the INTOSAI Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues) or the support of SAIs in need due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Other subjects of discussion were the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference organized by the SAI of the Russian Federation in April 2021, the 25th UN/INTOSAI Symposium held in June 2021 and the increasing importance of online education platforms.

The Chair and the Secretary General agreed to continue their close cooperation.