XI EUROSAI Congress – Online Event



The XI EUROSAI Congress was held on 14 and 15 April 2021. President Miloslav Kala, Head of the SAI of the Czech Republic and Chair of EUROSAI for the period of 2021 to 2024, invited the EUROSAI member SAIs to a virtual conference. This was the first of its kind due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to numerous decisions regarding the implementation of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2024, the Congress also elected the host of the XII EUROSAI Congress to be held in 2024: the SAI of Israel.

In the framework of the Congress, the Secretary General of INTOSAI, President Margit Kraker, presented a review of and an outlook on the activities of INTOSAI and its cooperation with EUROSAI. She also expressed her appreciation to President Kala for the excellent organization of this virtual event.

You can find further details on the Congress on the Congress website and on the website of EUROSAI.